You will receive a letter prior to excursions, camps and some classroom activities, outlining the excursion dates, amounts, requirements etc. with a Medical Form attached.
We attempt to provide a list of anticipated expenses for each year level for the current year. These are estimates only and variations may occur. This will be provided early in the first term.
Our school policy is 'No Payment – No Participation'.
It is inappropriate to leave payment to the day of the activity as there are already many organisational procedures that have to be addressed on the day of a student activity by the classroom teacher & office staff.
The following is a list of procedures to ensure all payments made to the school are received and recorded correctly.
Whether you are paying for an excursion, swimming, sport activities etc., the procedures are the same:-
- Ensure your child is catered for in advance so there is no unnecessary pressure on them and they know they are able to participate because payment has been made for them by the due date & their permission note has been completed.
- Provide the correct money for activities as we do not carry cash on our premises.
- Payment and permission slip should be forwarded in a sealed envelope with the child’s name, grade and activity on the front to the classroom teacher.
- Qkr! is the prefereed method of payment. Direct Credit via Internet banking is also available.
Bank Account details are as follows:
Account name: Vienna Woods State School
BSB: 064-172
Account No.: 00090143
Payment days are Wednesday and Friday.