It is parents, families and carers who have the most influence on their children. When families are actively involved in their children's education, children usually enjoy school and achieve better results.
The Australian Curriculum sets the goal for what all students should learn as they progress through their school life – wherever they live in Australia and whichever school they attend.
The Australian Curriculum: an overview for parents explains how the Australian Curriculum is organised, including information about the learning areas, general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities.
Vienna Woods State School is committed to creating a supportive, innovative learning community where each learner is successful. We will aim for Equity and Excellence for all.
'Every child in every lesson every day to achieve their full potential'
Our 'Provision of Whole School Curriculum' known as our Level 1 plan, outlines learning areas of the Australian Curriculum and year levels/semesters in which they will be taught and/or assessed.
In Languages Other Than English (LOTE) the language we study is Italian. Our Year 5 and 6 students will follow the Australian Curriculum achievement standard and will be assessed with their achievement reported in their semester report cards. Our 4 students will also have weekly lessons; however, these will not be assessed.
Teachers work collaboratively to plan and assess units of work. You will be updated with this information in the class newsletter each term and will be updated on student progress and results through parent/teacher interviews and end of semester written reports.