The P&C welcomes all parents and community members to be a part of the Vienna Woods Parents and Citizens Association.
Our P&C is quite active in the school with a dedicated group of parents working to the best of their abilities to achieve the best possible end results for the students and school. Our P&C manages the uniform shop and each term also run book club and fundraising events as well as Mother's Day, Father's Day and Christmas Stalls.
Our Meetings are held in Week 3 and Week 8 of each school term at 5:30pm in the staff room or online through TEAMs. We advertise these dates in the newsletter and on the P&C Facebook page.
We understand that not everyone is able to attend the meetings. There are many other ways to be apart of the P&C and help within the school. We encourage you to complete a membership form to keep you updated on upcoming events, enable you to receive minutes of the meeting, learn what is happening from a P&C point of view around the school and most importantly, enable you to have your say. Membership forms need to be completed annually; however, you can join at any point in the year at a general meeting in person.
Studies show that children whose parents are involved and engaged in their education and school, are happier and more likely to do better at school. Parents are also more involved and have more opportunities to engage with other parents and teachers at the school to share ideas and discuss common issues.
Our 2024 Executive Committee
President Tamara Turner
Vice President Vacant Position
Treasurer Nicole Patrick
Secretary Amanda Tully